Kind of compact and fully manual

Got a Vitomatic I a from someone who wanted to get rid of of some camera gear on eBay Kleinanzeigen. It was very inexpensive and I expected it to have some flaws. Apparently the light meter was broken (no problem since the camera is fully manual, one can simply use an external light meter) and also the film door on the bottom didn’t close properly. The latter bothered me a bit, because it would just swing open sometimes, which would be a problem if that happened while shooting. However it was really easy to fix, there was a small piece of metal that had to be bent back into place making it possible for the door to lock again. Also, after maybe a day of checking everything the light meter came back to life which was totally unexpected. Quite a nice surprise! Comparing the metering to what my smartphone suggests, it is inaccurate in low light, but in daylight conditions it seems to be relatively usable. So it’s a very well working camera, after all. I like how heavy it is, even if that means that I won’t bring it with me at all times. It’s just as heavy as a proper SLR with a bigger lens, around 740 g. This is unusual for a camera of that size, but it makes it feel rather serious and professional. Looking forward to shooting it again!

Voigtländer Vitomatic Ia
Ilford Pan F 50 expired (probably)
Voigtlander color-skopar 2.8/50
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