Rando au lac des Vieilles-Forges
2020-08-01 escalesgraphiques がシェアPetite randonnée dans la forêt du lac des Vieiiles-Forges, fin décembre 2020.
33 -
2020-07-28 roberta_c がシェア#lomolca #lca #ferrania #solaris #expired
40 -
2020-07-28 marekoudela がシェア 6 238 -
2020-07-21 ahmadfarhan がシェア#35mm #yashicaelectro35gsn #kodakGold200 #Penang #Malaysia #asia #travel
5 -
2020-07-21 ahmadfarhan がシェア#35mm #canonetql17 #fujic200 #japan #asia #travel
23 -
2020-07-21 ahmadfarhan がシェア#35mm #canonetql17 #fujic200 #japan #asia #travel
1 22 -
2020-07-18 katematv がシェアOlympus Superzoom 700XB AF #Thailand #Asia
38 -
2020-07-27 jhalokati がシェアTo know more flower types-
1 64 -
2020-07-27 chiruphotography がシェア#35mm #analog #nikon #fm2 #nikonfm2 #lomo #lomography #lomographycolor100 #nikonfm2n
4 117 -
2020-07-17 luccajacintho がシェアA sunny day at the beach
96 -
2020-07-21 ahmadfarhan がシェア#35mm #canonetql17 #fujic200 #japan #asia #travel
2 70 -
2020-07-14 peexo がシェア 4 86 -
2020-07-27 kelvin_wx がシェア2020年夏天,我们去了久违的重庆。
36 -
2020-07-27 kelvin_wx がシェア2020年夏天,我们去了久违的重庆。
44 -
Driving around Smithville.
2020-07-16 eyesea69 がシェアDriving around Smithville with a Yashica TL Super.
15 -
Driving around Smithville.
2020-07-16 eyesea69 がシェアDriving around Smithville with a Yashica TL Super.
18 -
Driving around Smithville.
2020-07-16 eyesea69 がシェアDriving around Smithville with a Yashica TL Super.
15 -
Driving around Smithville.
2020-07-16 eyesea69 がシェアDriving around Smithville with a Yashica TL Super.
20 -
Driving around Smithville.
2020-07-16 eyesea69 がシェアDriving around Smithville with a Yashica TL Super.
22 -
2020-05-12 hiroakiohno がシェア#cat
2 56 -
2020-06-06 hiroakiohno がシェア#cat
52 -
2020-06-25 hiroakiohno がシェア#cat
55 -
2020-07-04 hiroakiohno がシェア#cat
107 -
2020-07-16 vozac100posto がシェア 1 62 -
2020-07-16 vozac100posto がシェア 3 89 -
2020-07-16 vozac100posto がシェア 29 -
Avião-Cinema Douglas DC-3
2020-07-14 rodriguescastro がシェアUm cinema especialmente construído em um DC3 (Douglas), um clássico avião construído na década de 30. Resultado dos meus primeiros experimentos com a câmera analógica Premier PC-400 (35mm) com a utilização de 2 filmes Kodak Color Plus 200. Scaneadas em uma impressora Epson L355. ©2015 por Rodrigues Castro
4 89 -
2020-07-15 oscarmoroni がシェア 2 49 -
2020-07-15 hiroakiohno がシェア#cat
2 93 -
2020-06-21 tamashburn がシェアRoll of Ektar at the height of spring. #darkroomlabs #ektar #OM-2
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2020-06-21 tamashburn がシェアRoll of Ektar at the height of spring. #darkroomlabs #ektar #OM-2
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2020-06-21 tamashburn がシェアRoll of Ektar at the height of spring. #darkroomlabs #ektar #OM-2
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2020-06-21 tamashburn がシェアRoll of Ektar at the height of spring. #darkroomlabs #ektar #OM-2
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2020-06-21 tamashburn がシェアRoll of Ektar at the height of spring. #darkroomlabs #ektar #OM-2
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2020-06-21 tamashburn がシェアRoll of Ektar at the height of spring. #darkroomlabs #ektar #OM-2
3 -
2020-06-13 erenyigit がシェア#horizon202 #ayvalık #turkey #delta400
66 -
2020-06-17 pokio3o がシェア#Foma Retropan 320 soft #Minolta x-300 #Hong Kong #Black and white #35mm
75 -
2020-06-08 eyesea69 がシェアCanonet 19, the original with Selenium meter - no battery.
29 -
2020-06-21 why-yu がシェア#doubles #april 2020 / #nikomat + #fisheye 2
53 -
2020-06-21 why-yu がシェア#doubles #april 2020 / #nikomat + #fisheye 2
3 67 -
2020-06-19 cucoanalogo がシェア 46 -
2020-06-05 myvintageshots がシェア 18 -
2020-06-05 myvintageshots がシェア 18 -
2020-06-05 myvintageshots がシェア 48 -
2017-07-14 koduckgirl がシェア 43 -
first test of my Olympus ED-35 given to me as a…
2013-07-23 koduckgirl がシェア 1 102 -
2019-02-11 koduckgirl がシェア 53 -
2019-02-11 koduckgirl がシェア 41 -
2019-02-11 koduckgirl がシェア 67 -
2019-02-11 koduckgirl がシェア 1 70